Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Successful LockDown

 Listening to the speech of his excellency the prime minister on the national television after 9 pm news on the eve (on 30th August) of 21 days of nation wide Lockdown was such a pleasant and reassuring one. The most pleasing was to hear his excellency the prime minister say how much his majesty the king was pleased with how the public responded to the nation's call of complete lockdown, where people obeyed the government's mandates and directives without any hiccups. It was such a Soothing news to hear his excellency the prime minister break the news about easing the Lockdown phase wise after rigorous 21 days inside the confined four walls of the apartments.

Certainly this Lockdown which is perhaps the first of a kind in humans life (at least to our generation) may not be the last. And certainly it's real disaster for the country's economy. It has seen the biggest of economies being crippled and gagged and Bhutan isn't an exception to this. However the one thing that the whole others lack is a kind of leadership that Bhutan have! Lead by our King at the fore front backed by the dynamic government, Bhutan has done tremendous job of controlling to keep the virus at bay for now. And as a humble subject, I am forever indebted and grateful for keeping us safe, sound and secured.

Like I said, on the other hand this lockdown is also a blessing in disguise. It's  been a very productive for me individually. I got to experience a lot of things that I have always wanted which often gets ignored otherwise. The first thing is the family time. Since when do we get such a time to spend with our loved ones in our life, like 24*7 for almost a month? Specially spending time with little kid of yours watching them grow, learn new things, witness them do naughty things a lot of time is but a thing of  pure joy and beautiful in itself.(although it's irritating too) It's such an experience which I feel is missed by most of the working parents. I tell you it was such a good time!

The second is the time for yourself. Since when do we think about and reflect about our self, right? We are too carried away by all the nitty-gritty things of life otherwise that we often forget even if we exist or not. I have tried a lot of times to contemplate and go inside through some prayers and recitations which actually brings inner peace and happiness. But one thing I realized through this is how wild, rough and tough one's so-called mind is, how it wanders from one place to another, it's hard to bring it home. Nevertheless, it's worth trying as it somehow clams you, perhaps it's the blessing for giving a try?

The third is giving a try to what interests and fascinates you during leisure times like making a habit to read (and write). I couldn't read (or write) much though. I could only read the biography of His Holiness Dujum Rinpoche Jigdral Yeshe Dorje - 'Light of Fearless Indistructible Wisdom- The life and legacy of his holiness Dujum Rinpoche' by Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche which was in my bucket list. It is such a captivating story written about one of the greatest tertons of 19th century, who have revolutionised the teachings of Buddha and specially the Nyingma. 

So these are some of the activities that took boredom out of me during this 21 days of Lockdown. How did yours go? Even with the Lockdown relaxed, I  haven't gone outside yet, because it's not absolutely necessary. That's what I am going to do from now on as well. And you should do the same! We gotta adapt to new normal. Avoiding crowds, wearing masks, washing hands, keeping distance, and going out only if it's necessary are some of the basic habits we have get used to from now on, our new normal. So take care, stay safe and stay home folks until next time 😆😆😆 

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