Friday 31 December 2021

Reflecting on the 114th Royal Speech and New Year

 I hope everyone is reflecting over the very strong and poignant speech of his majesty the king on 114th national day and are ready to implement it now that the brand new year 2022 is almost up on the horizon. The personal message I took from his majesty's speech was about reflecting on our own conscience. we ought to keep always in our mind the sacred duty that we all have an individual, as a humble citizen and as common service provider being the public servants. I remembered instantly what my boss used to say the first time I joined the world of world - RAA (not Royal Audit Authority by the way). RAA stands for Responsibility, Accountability and Authority. As a law abiding citizen, we ought to keep this three in mind, but the sad thing is that most of us want and vie only for  the last A- Authority. 

The highlight of his majesty the king's speech was about the accountability and to reinvigorate the 'Nga' in one's daily discharge of the duties. If we have the accountability, the other two are surely taken care of and as his majesty pointed out, that's what is lacking in the Bhutanese conscience. The so-called "Nga" is so much needed in our conscience. It's high time that each one of us give a thought about it and take appropriate action. One doesn't have to do anything great; but we can surely do our OWN thing in great ways and that's what matters after all. 

On the individual level, what one can do is to mind our own business, do the work diligently and smartly; being mindful about ourselves. We have to put in extra effort and develop a "Nga" for if one does on the individual level, all can be done. The sad thing about the royal speeches is that we tend to forget with time until the next one comes without any concrete results. If that is so,  for how many times his majesty has to remind? For how long will this go on?

Most of the systems are too stagnant, too rigid and sometimes even chokes us which is why we are still struggling to get to the end of tunnel. We are still inside that maze of a system that act as a stumbling blocks rather than the stepping stones. The question is how to and who will take one out of that maze that's being created by ourselves? The answer is each one of us, every individual. If each one of us can clean our own door steps, the world will be  clean as mother Teresa said and that's what exactly will happen in the world of work too. If each one of us put in little extra effort without having one to remind or make/force us do it. We ought be consciously clear and clean with what ever we do.

So for me His majesty's speech was a fervent call for all to act, to act fast and get the results for which each one of us has that sacred duty to fulfill. There are no rooms and excuses for the failure, for the complacency and for the corruption.  As I welcome the new year, I also resolve my self to do and give my best both in the world of work and on the personal level too; to become a better and productive individual so as to fulfill his majesty's wish.

Happy New Year !!

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